Movie-theft is not a victimless crime
The opposition to Fairplay Canada’s campaign against movie-thievery arrived on-cue, and off-key, as expected. The industry coalition of...
Ottawa should force Google and Facebook to pay their share
Not only does Canada’s current law, largely written for a pre-digital world, fail to offer sufficient protections for domestic...
Globe and Mail editorial attacks on Canadian creators and broadcasters: what’s up with the Globe?
La collusion, peu importe comment on l’appelle, reste de la collusion
Le 28 septembre lorsque la ministre du Patrimoine, Mélanie Joly, a annoncé qu’elle ne ferait rien pour les nouvelles locales, mais que...
Collusion By Any Other Name
On September 28 when Heritage Minister Melanie Joly announced she was doing nothing for local news, but that local news was nonetheless a...
It Was A Brutal Week For Newspapers. It Doesn't Need To Happen Again
What is needed is a call to action for our federal government to respond to this crisis. Jerry Dias This has been one of the most brutal...
Fardeau fiscal ou fumisterie?
Pierre Asselin Les bêtises qu’on entend à Québec et Ottawa, pour justifier le refus de taxer les Netflix de ce monde de la même façon que...
Le CRTC lance une nouvelle consultation d’envergure.
Confrères et consœurs d’Unifor, Le CRTC lance une nouvelle consultation d’envergure. Le gouvernement libéral a demandé au CRTC de...
Le jour où les libéraux ont laissé tomber le journalisme canadien
S’il y a une chose que peu de gens avaient prévu dans le cadre de la refonte de la réglementation des médias canadiens de Mélanie Joly,...
The Day the Liberals Walked Away from Canadian Journalism
There is probably one thing about Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly’s re-boot of Canadian media regulation that few anticipated: her...