A Tax Credit Can Help Save Canadian Journalism, But Never Buy It
The Liberals’ newly announced supports for media would have no impact on the day-to-day decisions of any working journalist. Jerry Dias...
Répondez à ce jeu-questionnaire sur les préjugés dans les médias
Howard Law Après que le gouvernement fédéral ait lancé la semaine dernière une bouée de sauvetage pour le journalisme civique, répondons...
Take this Media Bias Quiz
In the wake of the federal government throwing a lifeline to civic journalism last week, let’s take a quiz about perception of media...
La culture doit faire partie intégrante d’un nouvel ALENA
Un pays, et sa culture, se distingue des autres par les histoires qu’il raconte à son propre sujet et à propos de sa place dans le monde....
Culture an essential part of a new NAFTA
A country and its culture is distinguished from another by the stories it tells – about itself and about its place in the world. Those...
Aucune excuse pour justifier des attaques à l’égard des journalistes
Les bons journalistes posent des questions difficiles. Ils remettent en question ce que vous dites et vous avez intérêt à leur...
No excuse for attacks on journalists
Good reporters ask hard questions. They challenge what you say, and you better have the facts to back you up. The fact is, tough...
The local-news crisis is destroying what a divided America desperately needs: Common ground
Ken Doctor saw it coming. A few years ago, the media analyst looked at the trend lines and predictedthat by 2017 or so, American...
Cabinet reset an opportunity for a policy reset in support of ‘civic journalism’
By Bill FoxOpinion Sun., July 22, 2018 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday tweaked his cabinet line-up as his Liberal government...
It’s time to start paying for Canada’s newspapers
American media are finally noticing Canada and making nice. It is unclear why they are suddenly so fond of our 37 million citizens, oh I...