La prochaine législature sauvera-t-elle le journalisme?
Howard Law, Novembre 18, 2019 Maintenant que la poussière de la 43e élection est retombée, le NPD, le Bloc Québécois et le Parti Vert...
Will the Next Parliament Save Journalism?
Now that the dust of Election 43 has settled, the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and Greens will be nipping at the government’s heels to implement...
Membership Update – What the Major Parties Say About Media Industry Issues
Membership Update – What the Major Parties Say About Media Industry Issues Elections often end up in a discussion about “what’s in your...

Analyse : L’apocalypse culturelle du Canada
The Tangled Garden: A Canadian Cultural Manifesto for the Digital Age (Lorimer) Richard Stursberg prédit la mort imminente des médias...

Review: Canada’s Cultural Apocalypse
The Tangled Garden: A Canadian Cultural Manifesto for the Digital Age (Lorimer, 2019) Richard Stursberg is predicting the imminent death...
Faits au sujet du comité sur le journalisme perdus dans la tempête médiatique
Howard Law Faits au sujet du comité sur le journalisme perdus dans la tempête médiatique La semaine dernière, le ministre du Patrimoine...
Facts About Journalism Panel Lost in the Media Storm
Last week Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez invited news publishers and journalist organizations to join an independent panel of experts...
Andrew Coyne et la grande menace qui plane sur le journalisme
Andrew Coyne est le journaliste conservateur le plus intelligent et le plus ouvert d'esprit au Canada. J'ai toujours hâte de lire sa...
Andrew Coyne on the Great Threat to Journalism
Andrew Coyne is the smartest and most open-minded conservative journalist in Canada. I always look forward to reading his column in the...

A 2019 New Year's Wish: Facts
If you were born in the last century, you remember the days when facts were the main course. Opinion was dessert. Things are different...