Newspapers need to be exempt from Extended Producer Responsibility Initiative
October 20, 2022 SENT VIA EMAIL scottmoe.mla@sasktel.net and premier@gov.sk.ca The Honourable Scott Moe Premier of Saskatchewan Dear...
Thank you for sharing this letter with me on behalf of news organizations and press freedom...
Dear Mr. Jolly: Thank you for sharing this letter with me on behalf of news organizations and press freedom groups across Canada. I would...
Open letter to PM Justin Trudeau concerning the online hate and harassment of journalists
Sept. 1, 2022 The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A2 Delivered...

Memo to Senators: C-11 is coming to a screen near you.
June 20, 2022 The House of Commons has sent the Online Streaming Act to the Senate where Conservative Senate Leader Leo Housakos’ tweet...
28th Media Council Conference
Toronto Star’s op-ed for world press freedom day

Unifor’s statement for world press freedom day

Unifor Media Newsletter
May 17, 2022 Please share this information with your membership. Media Lobby - CLICK THE LINK TO SAVE LOCAL NEWS Bill C-11, the act to...

Unifor Media Newsletter
Please share this information with your membership. Unifor Media's Statement on Jerry Dias: As you may know from recent events, Jerry...